Finding God in the Everyday

Finding the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary

Entrusted to the Dirt

Missions, Wisdom, History, Resurrection

WordPress Tutorials

WordPress Tutorials

The Self-Talk Show

Your most important show!

Spiritual Kevlar

Spiritual Insights for Soldiers

Psalms and Prayers Daily

Psalms and Prayers Daily

Nathan A. Hughes

Christian Writer & Preacher

Conform to Jesus

Whole Gospel To Whole World

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Bible Study Nerd

Thoughts, meditations, and insights on Scripture

Ronnie's Thoughts

Christian Issues and Challenges

Gleaning The Scriptures

a deep, objective look at the truth in ancient writings

Chalmers' Blog

Weekly book reviews and blog posts

Dietzy's Dits...

A 'dit' in military language is a thought, an idea, a story, which tells a tale - as much about the teller as the tale...

Writing about...Writing

Some coffee, a keyboard and my soul! My first true friends!

Becoming Eve

An allegorical journey exploring our transformation in-Christ

Keswick in Wales Convention

All one in Christ Jesus